Which is the best part of a blood film to check for platelet clumping?
Body of the film
Feathered edge
As close as possible to where the drop was placed on the slide to make the blood film
Which of the following statements about reticulocytosis in the absence of anaemia is incorrect?
It is not significant and can be ignored
It may be physiological from splenic contraction
If associated with an increased red cell mass may suggest absolute erythrocytosis
May be associated with underlying disease causing haemorrhage or haemolysis
When investigating anaemia there is a need to determine if it is regenerative or not. What is the best way to determine this?
A blood film review
An absolute reticulocyte count
Review of the red cell indicies – MCV, MCHC, RDW
Send it to the reference laboratory
Which of the following is not an indicator of inflammation on a blood film?
Presence of band neutrophils
Presence of metamyelocytes
Toxic changes in neutrophils
Which of the following statements about Vet Connect Plus are correct?
Vets can receive results on their smart phone
All IDEXX results are visible in one place for a patient
Results can be trended using graphs
Results can be shared with clients, other Veterinarians etc
All of the above